Essential Fatty Acids

image of foods with fatty acids.

One component of nutrition that deserves significant attention is essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs cannot be produced by the body and therefore must come from the food we eat. They are the main structural components of our cell membranes, and keep our cell walls healthy by allowing nutrients to flow in and toxins to flow out. The three main essential fatty acids are Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Most people consume enough Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids in the form of vegetable oils. However, we are often deficit in Omega fatty acids that come from foods such as flax seed, fish and borage oil. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to help with cardiovascular, joint and skin health, and to improve mood. Supplementing daily with an EFA capsule or liquid oil is essential to properly nourish your body.


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  • "The treatment provided by Dr. Dabb has been extremely valuable. The back spasms I was routinely experiencing have all but vanished. I'm no longer considering surgery."
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  • "I have had several back/neck injuries dating back to high school. The adjustments keep my back and neck in line, preventing the chronic headaches I've dealt with for the last 8 years."
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